In the time when all the big bloggers on other platform are moving their blogs to WordPress, the sales of the hosting services have amazingly increased. Everyday, hundreds and thousands of hosting services are bought but many people buy hosting without taking any precautions and later regret and complains.
When people buy hosting services without precautions, they usually end up seeing their blog down for most of the time and many of the features you wanted are unavailable which makes you feel guilty that you wasted your money. Hosting is one part of blogging which needs to be taken with pure precautions because if you don’t, you are definitely going to feel guilty afterwards.
Read this post to know three points you need to consider before buying a new hosting.
New hosting Buying Guide:
One thing which you need to keep in mind is, buy hosting based on your requirement. That means, if you are buying WordPress host, make sure your target hosting company supports WordPress completely, instead of going for Windows based hosting, opt for Linux based hosting. Check if your hosting company supports latest PHP and MYSQL or not. How often they upgrade their software and so on. Now, lets look at some of the prominent features, you should be looking into your new hosting company:
Research about Web-Hosting
There are hundreds of hosting companies offered on the internet so you need to research nicely in order to know whether the web-hosting is worth your money or not. Visit your friends, read critics and make sure that you never settle for less. Find some web-hosting services and search Google or any other search engine for the reviews of your selected web-hosting services. Also find top web-hosting services. The internet is never small, you can get almost all the information you need about a web-hosting service by internet or any other different source.
Don’t go for those cheap review hosting websites, where you will find biased review because of affiliate commissions. Go for established sites, who are popular and trusted by users.
Features & Technical Specifications
Of course you want a web-hosting service full of features. Features which are good, features which are amazing and features which support all your needs. Take some time to surf your selected web hosting service’s site and then get to know all the available features. The features which are totally important would be – Easy Setup, WordPress Compatible Features, Support fast website loading, Additional features, Free domain with hosting, Automated Backup, Free migration, etc. If your web-hosting service has these features and more than you may like to choose that web-service.
For example, I recommend Bluehost for WordPress, as they not only offer one click WordPress installation but also offers integration with Cloudflare and one click pro package upgrade, which will make sure your WordPress site will keep getting enough resource as soon as your traffic grows.
Technical Support and medium
When you are managing a blog, problems are destined to occur at least once with your blog. There are many cases where you will need the support staff of your web hosting service to help you out of the problem. The hosting service should at least have an email specifically designed for tech support and sales support. The live chat, if available would make resolving the problem more convenience than others. If the live chat is 24×7, then it becomes like an icing on the cake. The support staff needs to be helpful and of course, supportive. Try live-chatting at least once before you buy the hosting. Now, you know three of the points you need to consider before you buy a hosting.
Now, many hosting companies are taking route of Social media and are using Twitter and Facebook fan pages to connect to their customers. For support, I always vouch for Hostgator, as they are excellent with their support quality and they are available on Telephone, Live chat, Email, Twitter and Facebook. Do you really need more ways to connect? 🙂
The top 5 shared web-hosting services in my opinion are Hostgator, Bluehost, Dreamhost, HostMonster and WPWebHost. But choosing the hosting is totally your call. Which is your favorite hosting service? What other features would you consider before purchasing new host for your Website?
2 thoughts on “Points to Consider Before Buying a New Hosting”
I love the Hostgator Web hosting.
thanks for the review of this interesting article!
i oftenly use hostgator for all my blogs due to the best hosting & support providing co….